
Consider the following sample of observations on coating thickness for low-viscosity paint. ("Achieving a Target Value for a Manufacturing Process: A Case Study," J. of Quality Technology, 1992:22-26):

0.83 0.88 0.88 1.04 1.09 1.12 1.29 1.31
1.48 1.49 1.59 1.62 1.65 1.71 1.76 1.83

Assume that the distribution of coating thickness is normal (a normal probability plot strongly supports this assumption).

(a) Calculate a point estimate of the mean value of coating thickness, and state which estimator you used.

(b) Calculate a point estimate of the median of the coating thickness distribution, and state which estimator you used.

(c) Calculate a point estimate of the value that separates the largest 10% of all values in the thickness distribution from the remaining 90% and state which estimator you used. [Hint: Express what you are trying to estimate in terms of m and s]

(d) Estimate P(X<1.5), i.e., the proportion of all thickness values less than 1.5 [Hint: if you know the values of and , you could calculate this probability. These values are not available , but they can be estimated.]

(e) What is the estimated standard error of the estimator that you used in part (b)?

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Karol E.
Karol E.Lv8
27 Feb 2021
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