
A chain of sport shops catering to beginning skiers, headquartered in Aspen, Colorado, plans to conduct a study of how much a beginning skier spends on his or her initial purchase of equipment and supplies. Based on these figures, it wants to explore the possibility of offering combinations, such as a pair of boots and a pair of skis, to induce customers to buy more. A sample of cash register receipts revealed these initial purchases:



$140 $82 $265 $168 $90 $114 $172 $230 $142
86 125 235 212 171 149 156 162 118
139 149 132 105 162 126 216 195 127
161 135 172 220 229 129 87 128 126
175 127 149 126 121 118 172 126  


a. Arrive at a suggested class interval. Use six classes, and let the lower limit of the first class be $70.

b. What would be a better class interval?

c. Organize the data into a frequency distribution using a lower limit of $80.

d. Interpret your findings.

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