
Communication skills tests were conducted on 50 students to assess this. The test results are attached in the following table.

65 98 82 51 81
82 61 60 64 83
69 82 97 51 58
93 58 75 82 70
78 94 97 53 72
88 64 86 100 90
100 80 100 96 78
61 67 78 66 76
87 59 90 74 84
88 60 51 72 65

Based on the data above, make it
a. Frequency Table
b. Rated Frequency
c. Frequency Relative Value
d. Cumulative Frequency Value

Then, make it
a. Percentage Relative Frequency
b. Percentage Cumulative Frequency
c. Histogram
d. Pie chart
e. Bar charts and Leaf charts

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