[BIOS 1700] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 54 pages long Study Guide!

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Grif th experiment: grif th infected mice with two strains of streptococcus pneumoniae, a pneumonia causing bacteria, one strain was virulent (deadly, the other strain was nonvirulent (not deadly, control: If given the live virulent strain, the mouse dies. If given the live nonvirulent strain, the mouse lives: first experiment: Grif th killed the virulent bacteria by heating it and injected the mice. Grif th killed the virulent bacteria by heating it and then mixed it with live. When the strain of bacteria was recovered from the dead mice, it was contained live virulent dna: conclusion/interpretation. Nonvirulent bacteria became virulent bacteria or nonvirulent bacteria acquired new genetic features from the virulent bacteria: this phenomenon is now known as transformation. Answer: dna, rna, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. Avery (mccarthy and mcleod) experiment: determined the transforming agent in a cell. Control: took virulent bacteria and did not treat it with anything.