[PSYC 1300] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 56 pages long Study Guide!

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All developmental theories take a position in the nature-nurture debate. The learning theories assume that development happens in a continuous fashion as the result of environmental influences. Stage theories assert that development occurs in phases or leaps. Piaget"s theory of cognitive development: (1896-1980, schemes: plans of action, based on previous experiences, to be used in similar circumstances, the essence of cognitive development is the refinement of schemes. Infants gain an understanding of the world through their sense and their motor activities. Object permanence: the realization that objects (including people) continue to exist, even when they are out of sight: the preoperational stage. Children move into preoperational stage of cognitive development when they begin to exhibit signs of the symbolic function. The understanding that one thing can stand for another (2-7 years) Egocentrism: they believe that everyone sees what they see, think as they think, and feels as they feel: the concrete operations stage (7-12 years)