CIS 1200 Study Guide - Web Application, Computer-Aided Manufacturing, Digital Image

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Computer literate being familiar enough with computers that you understand their capabilities and limitations and you know how to use them. Use a computer more wisely and be a more knowledgeable consumer. Computer literate employees are sought after in almost every career. Information technology a field of study focused on managing and processing information and the automatic retrieval of information. The fastest growing career industry is computers. Data mining the process of searching huge amounts of data with hope of finding a pattern and used to separate anomalies from the trends. For example large retailers often study the data gathered from register terminals to determine which products are selling on a given day and in a specific location. The company creates a smart label for the package. The maxicode is a specially designed scannable sticker that resembles an inkblot and contains all the important info about the package. When package is handed in ups scans maxicode using handheld devices.