PSY100Y5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cultural Bias, Mathematical Logic, Theory Of Multiple Intelligences

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24 Nov 2013
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PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Iq test based on logical analysis and verbal fluency multiple definitions for intelligence. Personality tests - measure certain traits based on behaviour and beliefs. Psychometric approach: devise tests to measure a person"s cognitive level relative to others in a population. Iq tests are relative to everybody else scores. Francis galton - wanted to test the belief that social class are causal to intelligence. He did a mass testing, took in as much info as they can looked at scores, intelligence and compared to social class therefore there is no correlation between social class and intelligence. Binet and simon used galton"s work to identify students who were under achieving compared to other students. Largely that we take in school - verbal fluency and mathematical logic mental age concept - devised an average age for a specific academic level: terman devised the concept of iq. Ca = chronological age he wanted an idea of how children are doing compared to everyone.