POL_SC 1100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: E Pluribus Unum, Montesquieu, Nb Power

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11 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Here is the review sheet for our first midterm examination. Let me stress that this is where you should begin studying it is not where you should end. This review sheet is designed to get you started thinking about the test, but it is just a start. There are many items from the readings and from lectures that are not covered below. John locke was main influence on the framers. He believed people are in the perfect stat to order their own actions without help from any other man. No one can take away life, liberty, or possessions of another man. Liberalism: not like gop; from latin liberalis (free men). People are at liberty to do what they please. Emerges as a social order in 16th and 17th centuries in europe. Possible because of the small nature of polis. Thomas hobbes 1588-1679 was a pessimist, materialist, coward. State of nature: equal, free, intelligent, state of perpetual war, solitary, brute, nasty.