PSYCH 3313 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Posterior Parietal Cortex, Partial Seizure, Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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Review sheet psych 3313 exam 2 torello fall, 2013. Optic nerve/tract- nerve in pns; tract goes to lgn of thalamus. Primary visual cortex (striate)- receives info/ input from the lgn. Charles bonnet syndrome- visual system is disturbed; damage results in visual hallucinations (often grotesque) Capgras syndrome- lesion in fusiform gyrus interferes with pathway from limbic system you can recognize the face but feel nothing emotionally. Prosopagnosia- lesion in fusiform gyrus where you can"t recognize faces. Blindsight- being able to see but you are not conscious you can see; occipital lobe. Dogs can see greens and blues we can see rgb (we are trichromatic) Fovea- part of retina directly behind pupil where cones are highest located. Rods- more; no color; more sensitive; low light. Principles of sensory organization- hieratically organized; functionally segregated; parallel processing. Artificial vision- requires neurosurgery and implant over the occipital lobe; something is wrong with front end of visual system.