ACB 221 Study Guide - Lumbar Plexus, Vestibular Nuclei, Quadriceps Femoris Muscle

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Notice that the olfactory nerve fibers penetrate through the cribiform plate of the ethmoid. This is why there are holes in the cribiform plate. When you inhale, the nasal concha will create a current in the air. This current will bring airborne compounds (scents) into contact with the olfactory nerve cilia that come through the ethmoid. The olfactory nerve cilia are embedded in mucus, the chemical compounds will get caught and diffuse in this mucus. Once they are diffused the olfactory nerve fibers, the nerves will depolarize sending an action potential to the olfactory bulb of cn i. The axons of the olfactory bulb will travel down the olfactory tract of cn i to reach the olfactory cortex, the hypothalamus, and the limbic system. Synapsing in the hypothalamus and limbic system explain the profound emotional and behavioural responses that are produced by certain smells (i. e. , perfumes).