


Norfolk State University

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Answer:I'm sorry, I cannot answer this question as it is incomplete and missin...

Suppose you are working for an international investment firm, and you observe that the annualized return for 3-year Australian corporate bonds is 2.83% while and the annualized 3-year French corporate bonds is 3.58%.


  1. You get the following quotes:

EA$/€ = 1.3653

3-year forward rate: FA$/€, 3-year = 1.3894

Is there any arbitrage opportunity?  If yes, what would you do?  If not, why?  Explain.  (8 points)

Note:  Assume your firm does not have any funds denominated in A$ and € and remember to do the interest rate conversion into appropriate time period (use the simple compounding method to covert annualized interest rate to the appropriate time period).

  1. Suppose your firm can move the markets (i.e., change the spot exchange rate, the forward exchange rate, and the corporate bond yields in both countries), what happens to these four variables after the transactions you carried in part (a)? Explain in words.  (8 points)
  2. Find the A$/€ spot rate such that your firm will be indifferent between holding the Australian corporate bonds and the French corporate bonds. (4 points)



  • Keep your answers to 4 decimal points if needed.
  • This question requires you to use the precise form of covered interest rate parity.
  • Instead of the assumption made in class (individuals are small players and cannot affect the exchange rates and interest rates), the firm in this question is a LARGE player that has the ability to change the exchange rates and the corporate interest rates when it carries transactions in the spot exchange market, the forward exchange market, and corporate bonds markets in Australia and France.
  • Use the subscripts “A” and “F” to represent all the variables and terms used for Australia and France respectively in your written explanation. You must use these notations; otherwise, you will receive a grade of ZERO for the whole question. 
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Answer: C is the write answer
A racial hygienist in Berlin measures a woman's features in an attempt to determine her racial ancestry.
Hitler only served nine months of his five-year sentence. During his incarceration, he decided that the success of the Nazis lie not in a violent overthrow of the Weimar Republic, but by winning. power through constitutional means. Once he legally gained power, he could transform Germany into a nation that aligned with his doctrine. Upon his release, Hitler reorganized the Nazi party into a proper political organization and sought to compete for votes with other political parties. By 1929, the Nazi party had become an official national political party.
How did Hitler's incarceration impact his decision about how he would gain power in Germany? 
1930-1933: The Rise of the Nazi Party and Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany 
Directions: Read the excerpt and examine the graphic. Respond to the question
In the early 1930 s, the mood in Germany was depressing and hopeless. Unemployment rose from 4 million to 6 million in 1931 and inflation continued. The worldwide economic depression hit many countries hard, however, Germany was not only suffering from economic problem, the country was also suffering from the loss of confidence due to being defeated in World War I. The Germans lacked confidence in democracy and the Weimar Republic which they came to believe was too weak to pull the country out of these troubles. The economic problems and the German loss of faith in the Weimar Republic's democracy provided the perfect opportunity for Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party to gain power. Hitler was an excellent speaker and often gave speeches that targeted those Germans who were desperate for change such as the unemployed, young people, and members of the lower middle class. In his speeches, he promised a better life.
According to the graphic and the text, what events allowed Hitler and the Nazi party to rise to power?
Answer: what is your problem ?

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