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Answer: 1 --> b 2 --> a
Answer: None of the types of neuroglia cells listed are responsible for the fo...
Answer: The glial cells that are responsible for producing myelin are: B) Schw...
Answer: The standard reduction potentials (E°) for the half-reactions involved...
Answer:Neurons, Astrocytes, Ependymal cells, and Schwann cells.
Answer: Ependymal cell: Ependymal cells are a type of neuroglial cell found in...
Answer:The cell that enhances the conduction velocity of neurons in the centra...
Answer: Astrocytes are a type of glial cell in the central nervous system. The...
Answer: The mammalian order Cetacea, which includes whales, dolphins, and porp...
Answer: One example of a fossil gene in dolphins is the gene for making enamel...
Answer: Cerebrum: The cerebrum is the largest and most complex part of the bra...

Answer the following questions. You may use as much space as needed. You must use one source OTHER than your textbook. Each source you use must have a citation and reference provided. After you have completed this assignment please submit it online as a .doc, .docx or .rtf file.

Part 1: Roots

1.) Explain how to distinguish between the 4 regions/zones of the root structure. Include in your discussion the function of each region.

2.) Japanese gardeners regularly trim away parts of a root system to assist them in dwarfing a plants size. If a plants food is obtained through photosynthesis (in the leaves) why does cutting the roots cause the plant to be smaller in size?

3.) Name one root that is commonly eaten here in the United States

Part 2: Stems

1.) Explain some of the differences in stem structures between monocots and dicots

2.) One of the most commonly used types of stem throughout the world is wood. Explain the different properties that different species of tree possess. How do these characteristics determine how the wood is used.

Part 3: Leaves

1.) Name 3 different types of cells found within a leaf. (Fig 7.6 in your textbook). Explain the function of each type of cell.

2.) Explain what the process of abscission is and how it occurs.

Part 4: Flowers and Seeds

1.) Throughout the plant kingdom, there is a high level of variation in the characteristics of flowers. Flowers are different colors, sizes, shapes, smell different and even bloom at different times. Explain why some of this variation occurs. (In other words, why not look the same as everyone else. Is there an evolutionary advantage to being different?)

2.) Explain why we also see a high level of variation in the structure and appearance of seeds.

Each question needs to use an outside source, and you must have citations and reference for each question.

Answer: Part 1: Roots The root structure can be divided into four regions: roo...

1. The highest concentration of chloroplasts would be found in the _____ of a plant.

Select one:

a. apical meristem

b. palisade mesophyll

c. spongyl mesophyll

d. petiole

e. cuticle

2. The _____ remains longest in the tap root system.

Select one:

a. petiole

b. mesophyll

c. axil

d. radicle

e. xylem

3. The _____ in a plant root forces all water to pass first through living cells.

Select one:

a. pericycle

b. Casparian strip

c. radicle

d. cuticle

e. endodermis

4. Most of the diameter of a stem is produced by the

Select one:

a. palisade mesophyll.

b. cuticle.

c. vascular cambium.

d. axil.

e. petiole.

5. When you take a plant cutting and place it in water, the _____ cells become less differentiated and develop into a new plant.

Select one:

a. guard cells

b. collenchyma

c. sclerenchyma

d. parenchyma

6. The elements most vital for maintaining life are called

Select one:

a. nucleic elements.

b. essentials.

c. nutrients.

d. hydrocarbons.

e. vital elements.

7. Fluid moves from the roots of a plant to the leaves through the

Select one:

a. stomata.

b. phloem.

c. mesophyll.

d. xylem.

e. pericycle.

8. Very small fragments of leaves and stems form _____ which are mostly found in the topsoil.

Select one:

a. minerals

b. auxins

c. mycorrhizae

d. humus

e. talus

9. Fungi that associate with roots and increase surface area for water absorption are

Select one:

a. auxins.

b. nodules.

c. mycorrhizae.

d. humus.

e. talus.

10. Which statement is NOT true about water uptake in a plant root?

Select one:

a. Water enters the root from the soil by osmosis.

b. Water enters the cytoplasm of the root hairs by active transport.

c. Water travels by diffusion through the cell walls of the epidermis and cortex.

d. Water must enter the cytoplasm of the endodermal cells to get past the Casparian strip.

Answer: b. palisade mesophyll d. radicle e. endodermis c. vascular cambium d. ...
Answer: The correct answer is d. Fusion of the two cambia tissues must occur. ...
Answer: The parasympathetic nervous system is a division of the autonomic nerv...
Answer 1: Neurons are specialized cells in the nervous system that transmit ne...

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