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Answer: De facto segregation refers to the segregation that exists in practice...

Explain how Java code gets executed under the hood.

IntelliJ uses the Java compiler to compile our code into a different format called Java bytecode. This Java code is platform independent and that means it can run on Windows Mac Linux or any operating systems that has a Java runtime environment. Java applications are portable or platform independent. Java was developed by James Gosling in 1995 at Sun Microsystems which was later acquired by Oracle in 2010. Java has close to 9 million developers worldwide currently about 3 billion mobile phones run Java as well as 120 million TV sets and every blu-ray player. Average salary of a Java developer is just over $ 100,000 per year in the US. This course is the first part of my complete four-part Java series. Each part is about three to four hours long so it can easily complete it in a day or two. The first part will give you a solid foundation on how to start programming in Java in the second part we 'll talk about object oriented programming which is a style of programming use in most if not all Java applications. The third part will talk about core Java API is or application programming interfaces.

Once you learn all this I 'm gon na give you a project you 're gon na build a mortgage calculator on your own so make sure to pay great attention to all the materials. Make sure to use most of them in this project are you ready now let 's jump in and get started in this tutorial we're gon na talk about variables in Java we use variables to temporarily store data. In the next tutorial we're going to talk about various types in Java. We have two categories of types we have primitive types and non primitive types or reference types for storing complex objects. All these types are for storing whole numbers that do n't have a decimal point. In one bite we can store values from 128 to 127. In Java whenever you deal with a large number like this you can use an underscore to separate every three digits just like how we use a comma in our documents to make our numbers more readable. With integers we can store values up to two billion but let 's say the number of times this video has been watched is three billion so I had a three here now we have a red line that indicates an error.

Answer: When we write Java code, it needs to be compiled before it can be exec...
Answer:The binary or base two system only uses zeros and ones, while the hexad...
Answer:Structured query language (SQL) is a programming language for storing a...

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