


mozhikani031University of Kashmir

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mming Languages (Theory of Python)

Real Physics

Jonathan gardener talks about the concepts in computer science as well as software engineering as a practical career. This video is part of his theory of Python video series where I cover the Python language in detail. We'll talk a lot in detail about what a function is in Python what that means in programming languages. We worry a lot about VM's virtual machines Java Python Python c-sharp all use virtual machines. The other thing that we have to think is the type system and this gets into the data structure how do you organize your data structure. Python does n't do JIT compiling but pi PI which is an alternative implementation of Python does we 'll talk more about pi PI later. There are many different kinds of type systems and people try to boil this down to like there is this type of program rate this is this kind of type system it's nonsense there 's many vectors one of the most important aspects is dynamic versus static in a dynamic type system the variables that you use in the program can refer to any type variable any type of value. The variable name as associated with it the type of the object you 're looking at right.


Python itself kind of started off as a joke and then it became useful and people recognize its value and so it basically advertised itself by word of mouth. Python is the kind of language you want to see other things that affect popular dairy is you might have free languages or free programs versus free software free software is not necessarily free. Programming languages are important it 's important you choose the right programming language with a job if you do n't know what language that is the answer is Python for most jobs there are some cases where I would not recommend Python there is a huge difference that I found between Java and Python and my experience I estimate that I was basic about 10 times is fast with Python and Java. Python white Python is simple it 's simple and easy you can master the language breath rather readily and also it allows lots of flexibility so they 'll be able to learn and explore lots of different concepts that 's why I 'm starting this video series on the theory of Python and not Prolog.

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