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Part II: The Constitution—Fill in the blanks to complete the passage below.


The United States Constitution was written by _______________________ _____________________ during the summer of 1787. Though representatives from nearly all 13 colonies originally gathered in _______________________ to simply make changes to the _________________________ ______ ____________________________________, which served as our nation’s first governing document, all agreed early on to completely rebuild their government in what would become the United States Constitution. Delegates to what would come to be called the Constitutional Convention quickly came to several agreements--_______________________ ________________________ was chosen as President of the Convention, all agreed on the need for a stronger / weaker (circle one) national government, and they believed a ________________________ government would be best. Conflicts, however, grew over issues such as _________________________--settled by the Great Compromise which created a bicameral legislature with one house including 2 members from each state and the other house including a number of representatives proportional to the population of a state—and ________________________ (2nd conflict), settled by the Three-Fifths Compromise. Even after the basic organization of government was laid out, Anti-federalist argued that the document lacked sufficient protections for the rights of individuals and pushed for a _____________________ ____ ________________________, a formal summary of citizens rights in relation to the government. Once all parties were satisfied, the Constitution was sent to the states for ratification and was finally approved on _________________________ _______, ____________________.


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