
I need a 5 paragraph lab report completed with this information. Asap.

After having studied Circulation/Respiration and Digestion, it will be very important for us to look at and put into practice one important aspect of the thread that ties these three aspects in terms of one of the elements known as the DIVERSITY OF MICROBES.

=>> > As you prepare to complete this lab and ready to write your final report, ensure that you are able to answer the following questions and incorporate your answers/responses in the specific sections of your written lab report

(1) What is aseptic technique?

(2) What are microbes?

(3) What media is being used in the lab?

(4) What inoculum is used in the lab?

(5) Why was a control used for this experiment?

(6) How will you store your agar plates?

First paragraph Must include background information for the lab, objective (s) of the lab relation to the class materials.

Second paragraph is about Relevant materials and methods used, Steps used to carry out the lab, Measurements taken

Third paragraph must have Record of all the results obtained, Tables, graphs, pictures, drawings, Other observations relevant to the label exercise.

Fourth paragraph must Explanation of all results in relation to the objective of the lab, Interpretation of the data lab according to the data collected or observations make or taken during the lab.

Fifth paragraph must be a Summary of your findings and the interpretations of the data in relation to the objectives or aim of the lab and relationship to the class topic, etc. Recommendations, if any.

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