ISYS100 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Videotelephony, Philip Rosedale, Networking Hardware

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Newspaper, radio, tv was dominating who we were accessing information. Has been used in the marketing/advertising world for years e. g. television, newspaper, radio and magazine ads. Web 1. 0 had no interaction between users > no proper communication online. Information was coming much quicker than before. Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content online or to participate in social networking. Social media is enhancing human connectivity as people can converse in ways that were once not possible. > visible in movements like the arab spring and black lives matter. Ability to connect with people around the world with like minded thinking as you. Web 2. 0 has no single definition but can be explained through a series of internet trends, one being the empowerment of the user. So basically, web 2. 0 is a social change more than technical change. eg; wikipedia is a collaborative dictionary being edited in realtime by anyone, chicago.