ATS1263 Study Guide - Final Guide: Adult Stem Cell, Somatic Cell, Cell Nucleus

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Stem cells - undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialised cells and can divide (through mitosis) to produce more stem cells. hesc - human embryonic stem cell. Ensoulment - the moment at which a human being gains a soul. Totipotent a state where all cells could become any part of the resulting individual or, indeed, could develop into a whole new individual. Pluripotent - stem cells that can be differentiated into many different kinds of cells but not all kinds of cells, can"t necessarily be turned into human beings. 1998 method found for deriving and culturing human embryonic stem cells indefinitely, made it possible to. Generate unlimited quantities of any particular embryonic stem cell (in principle) Thereby the possibility to: standardise research into human stem cells, create reproducible stem cell therapies. 99% genetically identical with the original adult cell from which the nucleus was taken.