MGC2230 Study Guide - Final Guide: Extraversion And Introversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness

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Unique traits: stable characteristics that distinguish individuals from each other. A person"s general way of interacting with the world, especially with other people. Openness to experience = how open to risk someone is. Willingness to explore the unknown and curious vs dull and unimaginative. Work through challenges, dependable, responsible vs careless, impulsive, give up easily. Agreeableness = how friendly and nice someone is. Easily upset, highly emotional, anxious (high) vs easy going, laid back, emotions aren"t easily influenced (low) Monitoring your social situation and deciding whether to change your behaviour. High self-monitoring = fits behaviour to situation. Bruce lee observed what his opponent was doing and adapted his fighting style accordingly. Low self-monitoring = always acting the same regardless of situation. Donald trump saying inappropriate comments wherever he is. The extent to which you believe internal or external factors influence one"s life.