NUR5111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pain Management, Diuretic, Antiarrhythmic Agent

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Identify how the principles of critical thinking enhances higher order thinking and quality of understanding: demonstrate understanding of how the different means of communication may impact relationships. Identify the medico-legal aspects of clinical documentation: develop an understanding of isbar style communication. Pharmacology week 1b: define selected terms related to the administration of medications, demonstrate the legal aspects of administering medications, understand the various routes of medication administration and how to administer correctly in accord with a medication order. List seven essential steps to follow when administering medication. Identify physiological factors and individual variables affecting medication action. State systems of measurement that are used in the administration of medication: demonstrate accurately basic drug calculation to ensure safe administration of medications. Primary assessment and hand hygiene week 2: describe and explain a primary assessment using drsabcde on the conscious patient. Vital signs week 3: conduct clinical skills of measuring vital signs using safe nursing practices.