INFS1602 Study Guide - Final Guide: Enterprise Resource Planning, Stored Procedure, Application Software

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Chapter vii extension: enterprise resource planning system (erp) Erp: suite of applications (modules), a database, and a set of inherent processes for consolidating business operations into a single, consistent computing platform. Erp system: an information system based on erp technology integrate all of an orga(cid:374)izatio(cid:374)"s purchasi(cid:374)g, hr, productio(cid:374), sales a(cid:374)d accou(cid:374)ti(cid:374)g data i(cid:374)to a si(cid:374)gle syste(cid:373). Real time updates globally, critical decisions can be made on timely data. Difficult to write applications programs and to design the database. Problem: industry require physical control over data; solution: hybrid model. Application codes configurable, can be altered to meet customer requirements without changing program code. (set configuration parameters) Database design + initial configuration data (no operational data). Trigger: stored within the database to keep the database consistent when certain condition arises. Implement standard business processes (process blueprints) require. Erp users to adapt to predefined inherent processes or design new ones.