PSYC1011 Study Guide - Final Guide: Maryland Route 3, Psychopathology, Ob River

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4 Aug 2018

Document Summary

3 aims of psychopathology: to describe md. Redefine basis for categorisation: to understand causes of md, devel. effective treatments for md. Not all statistically infreq. behav. is ab. i. e. beethoven: violate social norms, some deviations from norms are socially acceptable others are not. What is considered socially acceptable changes over time i. e. homosexuality classified as md till 1973. What is socially acceptable differs b/t cultures i. e. auditory hallucinations are considered acceptable in some cultures: cause distress, most widely accepted md are associated w/ distress. Distress normal in some situations i. e. loss of loved one. Some psychopathologies not associated w/ distress i. e. psychopaths, mania: causes impairment, ab. behav. associated w/ impairment in indiv ability to function. Some people w/ md are highly functioning i. e. asperger(cid:859)s. Concept of md: ab. thoughts, behav tent to not occur in isolation. -ve mood, flat affect, sleep difficulties: md is a distinctive or recognisable cluster of ab. thoughts.