LAWS3435 Study Guide - Final Guide: Meriam People, Misfeasance, Saint Emeric Of Hungary

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27 Jul 2018

Document Summary

Week 5: the impact on indigenous australians 1. Barangaroo was a cammeray woman whose lands were on the north side of what is now modern sydney harbour. This story demonstrates how the australian legal system failed to provide for and protect indigenous. Cook did not seek or obtain consent before claiming possession of the land. Usually, treaties were made as the basis of a relationship between the colonizers and the indigenous people. Watkin tench described how barangaroo was a woman as finished and polished as any english woman. Barangaroo"s land claim could only be made because the tribe had been decimated by smallpox as they had no immunity. The english pushed aboriginals out of their land, not recognising signs of ownership. The aboriginals had lived in the sydney area for over 20000 years. "some 700 languages groups existed across the whole continent of australia. "the indigenous peoples of australia were a very diverse group of people"