PHSI2005 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dura Mater, Basal Ganglia, Cerebellum

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Voluntary movement: understand the three hierarchical levels of motor control. The spinal cord (cid:120) most basic level of cns function processing centre (cid:120) that does not necessarily reach consciousness (reflexes) Imbedded in and protected by the vertebral column, it has the same four regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral (cid:120) divided into segments. From each segment rise bilaterally two spinal nerves. Sensory input is ascending on the dorsal side. Proprioceptors (cid:120) proprioceptors detect position and movement in the body. 121 (cid:120) stretch reflex sudden stretch of a muscle causes its contraction: stretch stimulus detected goes to the spinal cord, tells the opposing muscle to contract (just to. Proprioceptors (muscle spindle and golgi tendon organ) both send signals to the cerebellum, regions of the brain stem, and the cerebral cortex to assist with the control of movement. Types of movement (cid:120) reflex movements e. g. withdrawal from pain, cough.