SCLG2616 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cultural Imperialism, Nationstates, Westernization

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Imperialism refers to the methods employed by one nation- state to gain power over an area(s) and then to exercise control over it. Imperialism can encompass a wide range of domains of control for example cultural imperialism where powerful cultures impose themselves on others. Americanization is the import of americans products, images, technologies, practices and behaviour that are closely associated with america/americans however there are those are argue that americanisation is decreasing with the rise of easternisation (influences from the east). It is defined as the export of products, images, technologies, practices, and behavior that is closely associated with america or the eastern orient. The term imperialism came into widespread use in the late nineteenth century as a num- ber of nations (germany, italy, belgium, great britain, france, united states) competed for control over previously undeveloped geographic areas, especially in africa.