PSYC 3P37 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Directional Selection, Allopatric Speciation, Fetus

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Evolutionary psychology review for midterm test concepts to understand. Proximate - the first two questions vs. ultimate - the 3rd and 4th questions. We will tend to focus on 3 & 4, some attention will be given to 1 & 2. These questions are connected, knowing how our bodies operate at a causal level might inform. Lamarck"s idea of inheritance of acquired characters [1] Evolution of linear by inheritance of acquired traits, but this isn"t actually observed in nature (or in the lab setting) Not clear how it would have evolved. Long neck of giraffe"s evolved due to struggle and this was passed down from parent to offspring. Note: some physical changes due to experience have been transmitted to next generations ( epigenetic inheritance ) but they mostly don"t persist across generations, and they don"t accumulate across generations -> they aren"t persistent adaptions. Darwin"s idea of evolution by natural selection (know the steps etc. )