SOCI 1F90 Study Guide - Final Guide: Role Theory, Law School Admission Test, George Ritzer

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Heterosexism- the holding up of heterosexuality as the ideal and normal sexuality rendering all other sexualities as abnormal and deviant. Transphobia- discrimination directed toward transsexuals or transgenders. Biphobia- the irrational fear or hatred of bisexuals. Domestic labour- the activities required to maintain a home and care for the people living in it. Intimate femicide- the killing of women by their intimate male partners. Social reproduction- the necessary activities that guarantee the day to day reproduction and survival of the population. Efficiency (ritzer)- optimum method for getting from point a to point b. Predictability (ritzer)- assurance that products and services will be the same over time and place. Calculability (ritzer)- quantitative aspects of products sold and services offered. Control (ritzer)- exerted over those who enter. Mcdonalization- the notion that institutions are expected to function in efficient ways with a high degree of predictability and standardization. R. vs. r. d. s. - a reasonable person would be aware of racism in canada.