CGSC 1001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Richard Dawkins, Know Your Meme, Color Him Father

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Acquiring new, or modifying existing, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences which may involve synthesizing different types of information. Non-associative learning: habituation: as early as two months, sensitization. Associative learning: classical conditioning (associative learning, operant conditioning. By finding a neuron pathway which activates all signals at once, which then provide you with the ability to perform the skill. Classical conditioning: learned by association: garcia and koelling (1966): rat conditioning. Operant conditioning: positive or negative reinforcement /punishment that results in higher probability of behaviours. Machine learning is the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without explicit programming (samuels, 1959) Evolution: the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. Natural selection: more offspring are produced than can possibly survive, traits vary among individuals, leading to differential rates of survival and reproduction, and 3) trait differences are heritable. Thomas henry huxley: evidence as to man"s place in nature (1863)