LAWS 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Insanity Defense, Mental Disorder

31 views2 pages
14 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Not a big deal, people solve it themselves. The goal is compensation-> want to amend their wrongs. Different types of offense: assault, direct bodily harm, ex: rape, violence, property, hurting someone"s things rather than their things, ex: money, objects, tables, offense which are considered evil within themselves, victimless crimes, ex: gambling, prostitution. 3 elements of mens rea: guilty mind: make a choice to do something against the law, voluntarily. No one told me to do it other than the fact that i choose to do it: know that is wrong. You need to choose to do something that"s against the law, you need to do it at your own will and you need to know that its wrong. Actus reas: guilty act: conduct, the commission (commit) you can be charged for commission, circumstances, good samaritan act, consequences a. If i plan to kill someone and then i don"t then actus reas is not present.