NEUR 3200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Neural Crest, Enteric Nervous System, Neural Tube

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14 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Creates a seal to the external environment by forming tight junctions. It develops into blastocyst by developing an internal cavity. Blastocyst is a hollow sphere of cells formed from morula through cavitaton. Its outer layer is called trophectodem develops into extraembryoni c tissues eg. placenta) process where the ectoderm overlying the notochord generates the nervous system. Ventral cells differentiate to spinal and hind-brain motor neurons and interneurons. Mediate cell proliferation and differentiationbone morphogenetic proteins - six different bmp peptide hormones activate a single receptor serinekinase - leads to phosphorylation and activation of tfs called smad sma and mad related. Family -bmp antagonizes neuralization - antagonism of bmps by noggin and. Chordin releases suppression ofneural fate, enabling neuralization - part of a wealth of evidence that neuralization is the default cellfate for embryonic ectoderm19 wnt ligands that can each activate 2 separate pathways - Noncanonical pathway involved inlengthening neural plate and neural tube -