PSCI 2701 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Due Date, National Post

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This assignment is due on friday october 9, 2015. Please submit your assignment on- line, through culearn, no later than 11:00pm. Upload your assignment file (preferably as a pdf file) using the link provided on that page. Late papers will be deducted 1/10 per day. Papers submitted after 5 days will be given 0. For this assignment, select one argument from the list below. Psci 2701a assignment 1. Select one of the following five arguments for your analysis. Follow the links provided to read the original full- length articles: it"s time to add prescription drugs to canadian medicare. By dr. brian hutchison | hamilton spectator | sep 01, 2015: how dragging our feet on refugees creates more terrorists. By christopher ragan | globe and mail | september 22, 2015: banishment is a poor tool in fight against terrorism. By kent roach and craig forcese | the globe and mail | september 29, 2015.