PSYC 1001 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Psychogenic Amnesia, Startle Response, Social Anxiety Disorder

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Anxiety is a manifestation of the fear response with 4 basic components: physiological, emotional, cognitive, behavioral (trembling, avoidance) Anxiety is single largest mental health problem in canada. Panic attack: an abrupt surge of intense fear or intense discomfort that reaches a peak within minutes. However they can occur in the context of any anxiety disorder as well as mental disorder and some medical conditions. To be having a panic attack they must have at least 4 or more of these symptoms; Agoraphobia: anxiety about not being able to escape without difficulty or embarrassment. Diagnosis requires fear or anxiety triggered by real or anticipated exposure to a wide range of situations. Panic disorders: presence of recurrent/unexpected panic attacks followed by 1 month of; concern of additional panic attacks or maladaptive change in behavior due to attacks (avoidance) if then and unless the situations refer to 2 or more agoraphobic situations. Phobias: fear or anxiety of a specific object or situation.