PSYC 1001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Substantia Nigra, Somatic Nervous System, Inferior Colliculus

112 views25 pages
11 Nov 2018

Document Summary

This includes both the cns & pns the parts, functions, characteristics, pathways, etc. The cns is composed of the brain & the spinal cord. The meninges a three-layered membrane encasing the brain and spinal cord. The cerebrospinal fluid (csf) the colourless fluid that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord. ^ these are like an airbag in a car, the purpose of them is to protect if you were to get a blow to the head. Processes and stores information about the environment. Controls behaviour and decision (intentional and unconscious behaviour such as breathing) Parts of the brain, big web of nerve cells: Forebrain: cerebral cortex, limbic system, thalamus, basal ganglia, hypothalamus. Midbrain: several sections, including superior and inferior colliculi (colliculus), substantia nigra, mesencephalon. The brain stem : incorporates all of the midbrain and all of the hindbrain except for the cerebellum. One of the most primitive regions of the brain.