PSYC 2100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Facial Feedback Hypothesis, Autonomic Nervous System, The Need

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When discussion emotions people tend to use mood and affect as interchangeable terms, however they are different. Affect is a classification of the emotions into good (positive) or bad (negative) emotions. It can be a quick reaction to an automatic like or dislike towards something. Mood is a state that"s not associated with an event. Emotion is an evaluative reaction to something (cid:523)ie. an event, another"s behaviour, etc) As with the thought processing of our experiences we have two types of affect. Automatic affect: this is the quick response usually interpreted as good or bad and may occur outside of consciousness. Conscious emotion: this is the experience of a unified feeling state such as happiness, anger, sadness. Emotions are more than just valence (pleasant vs unpleasant) Emotions can also vary on the level of physiological arousal (ie. increased heart rate, heavy breathing, etc) Two-dimensional model suggests every emotion can be described as a combination of pleasantness/unpleasantness and low/high arousal.