PSYC 2400 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Eyewitness Memory, Publication Ban, Eyewitness Identification

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Reading: chapter 2: procedure to identify and define the ksas that make a good police officer. Stage 1 job analysis officer(cid:495)s career. Job analysis: different ksas may be important at different times over a police, lack of consensus about what ksas are important. But most agree that the following are important: honesty, reliability, sensitivity to others, good communication skills, high motivation, problem-solving skills, and being a team player. Stage 2 construction and validation of assessment instrument: develop instrument(s) for measuring ksas. And how do you measure that: e. g. , complaints, commendations, academy exam scores, supervisor ratings, ex: police brutality (cid:523)what we don(cid:495)t want(cid:524) Inter-rater reliability: how much agreement between different raters of the same applicant, differences of opinions lead to different conclusions. Fake results: taller people commit more crime (r = +1. 00) Fake results: shorter people commit more crime (r = -1. 00) Fake results: height unrelated to crime (r = . 00)