RELI 1710 Study Guide - End Time, Supersessionism, Social Gospel

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26 Feb 2014

Document Summary

Abba: aramaic term for father used by jesus in addressing god. Advent: season of the christian church year before the celebration of christmas. Arianism: a teaching advocated by the priest arius and his followers that christ was created in time as teh son of god; this teaching was rejected by the council of nicea. Atonement: guidelines of how humans are forgiven and reconciled to god through christ"s work. Apostles" creed: statement of faith dating from the second century c. e. , universally accepted by christians. Augustine: leading theologian (354-430) in the early christian church; bishop of hippo in north. Baptism: ritual of initiation into the christian church through washing of water, viewed as a sacrament by many. Canon: a standard; refers to the accepted writings that make up the bible and to other church standards such as canon law. Christ:greek title meaning anointed one from hebrew messiah, applied to jesus of nazareth by his followers.