SOCI 1001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster, Reference Group, The Sociological Imagination

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15 Dec 2015

Document Summary

Where does social interaction take place? (within networks, groups, bureaucracies, & societies) Networks: a social network is a bounded set of individuals who are linked by the exchange of material or emotional resources. These patterns of exchange determine the boundaries of a network. Members exchange resources more frequently with one another than with non-members. They also think of themselves as network members. " social networks may be informal (defined only in practice) or formal (defined in writing). Ex: social networks include urban networks (e. g. ties among and between community members within metropolitan cities and urban centres) and online (e. g. cell phones and internet connection) The people you know personally form the boundaries of your personal network. However, each of your network members are linked to other people. In this way you can be connected to people you have never met, creating a small world that extends far beyond your personal network.