BIOL 467 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Nature Methods, Current Biology, Rhoa

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16 Dec 2017

Document Summary

The ability to identify a specific protein was previously a very difficult endeavor. However, this , has now been radically simplified with the development of fluorescence microscopy techniques. The identification of a particular protein, once a difficult endeavor, was has been radically simplified with the birth development of fluorescence microscopy techniques. Fbasic fluorescent microscopy is based on the principle of connecting connects a naturally fluorescent protein to the structure of interest within a fixed cell , which can then be viewed using a . A fluorescent microscope. microscope is then required to view the image. Fluorescent molecules absorb light at one excitation wavelength and emit light at a different, longer wavelength. A fluorescence microscope possesses a primary light filter which passes, only permitting the specific wavelength necessary to excite the fluorescent dye. Once excited, the fluorescent dye emits its excitation wavelength. This wavelength of light travels towards a mirror, which reflects all light below the specific required wavelength.