ECON-1006EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Collective Security, Advisory Opinion, Just War Theory

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Law on the use of force (ius ad bellum) Kind of failed, because the us were never a member, just as some other countries: kellogg-briand pact 1928: there is a prohibition of force, but no prohibition to the threat of force. The pact only talks about war, not about conflicts, so if you would start a war you could just call it a conflict and it was okay. Un charter: prohibition of the use of force (art. 2. 4): states are not supposed to use force against other states: collective security: chapter vii un charter, right to self-defence: article 51 un charter -> you can use your self-defence if there is an armed attack. In the nicaragua case, the icj gave a definition for armed attack: an armed attack is a qualified form of a use of force. An armed attack is a serious form of the use of force. Political and economic pressure: advisory opinion on nuclear weapons.