ECON-1006EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: List Of International Labour Organization Conventions

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Committee of experts on the application of conventions and. Recommendations: examining the reports submitted by ilo member states on the conventions that they have ratified, examining the reports submitted by ilo member states only on the eight. Ilo conventions that they have ratified: examining the reports submitted by ilo member states only on the ilo. Committee on freedom of association has argued that this right can be derived from: articles 3 and 10 ilo convention no. 87: articles 3 or 10 ilo convention no. 87: only article 3 ilo convention no. 87: none of the above, poland ratified ilo convention no. Constitution, in 2012 it submitted the first report outlining the measures taken to implement this convention, amongst which law no. June 2016, the polish parliament adopted a new legislation, law. No 15/2016, excluding workers in undertaking with less than 10 employees from the scope of application of ilo convention no.