HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Communist Party Of China, Atlantic Charter, Tied Aid

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Britain, france, netherlands forced to defend their imperial possessions occupied by the japanese; lost militarily to them; shattered the illusion of racial invincibility; exacerbated tensions in india led to unraveling of indian colony, less support from. American entry into the conflict on the side of the colonial powers led to increased pressure to divest from imperial possessions atlantic charter (self-determination is a right) international environment was changing. Did not lead to a loss of will of the imperialists (persuaded britain and the french to devote considerable resources to developing africa"s economic potential); then paved the path of a european policy towards their african colonies. Imperial powers were torn between (1) weaknesses of imperial powers, economic benefits of independent empires outweighing security costs and (2) colonies are vital to post-war reconstruction, need to develop colonial economic potential. Asia in turmoil: nationalism, revolution and the rise of the cold war 1945 53.