HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hugues Doneau, Volksgeist, Martial Power

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Lesaffer, paragraph 403 codification of the ancien r gime: french revolutionaries (1789) desired codification, end of many different legal systems, citizens subject to same rules equality, d claration des droits de l"homme et du citoyen. 4 & 8: 1790 constituent assembly ordered codification, french kings always desired codified, unified law -> more control. Belgium, italy, luxembourg, switzerland and poland + french and belgian colonies. Lesaffer, paragraph 405 the code napol on: compromise between enlightenment and pragmatic realism (innovation and conservatism, law is a result of historical revolution slow process compared to revolutionary approach. It is impossible to guarantee completeness of the law -> judicial interpretation: ban on scholarly interpretation is lifted, code napol on concise and practical. Lesaffer, paragraph 406 the code civil and the bourgeois state: french civil code of 1804 old law + enlightenment (french revolution, inspirations: customary law, roman law, canon law, ordinances of chancellor.