HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: French Revolution, Martial Power, Napoleonic Code

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Maria theresa commissioned work on codification in 1753. The code had to be based on the ius commune. Natural law would be applied to improve and in case of lacunae of learned law. In 1786, joseph 2 introduced a first part of the code as the josephinische gesetzbuch. The civil code as a whole was not completed until 1811. The french revolution (1789) entailed the codification of the law which put an end to the different systems of jurisdiction and legal systems throughout france and would subject everyone to the same rules. On july 5th 1790 the constituent assembly ordered the codification of the law. Legislation was the instrument par excellence for the central ruler to bring innovation and unity to the law. The codification (which didn"t work during the first decade after the revolution) got a new kick with napol on bonaparte. He appointed 4 members to compile the civil code.