HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ramism, Hugo Grotius, Petrus Ramus

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Court practice (usus fori) as a source of law. Very quickly, each higher court began to develop its own style, or usus fori, which could be discerned from the court"s decisions. This created a market for a new genre of legal literature compiling, documenting and commenting on the decisions of the higher courts. Guy pape, decisiones in senata grationopolitani, providing commentary on the court practice of the parlement of grenoble; Matthaeus de afflictis, deciones sacri regi consilii, a commentary on the judgements of the high courts of the kingdoms of naples and sicily; Joachim mynsinger, singularium observationum iudicii imperalis camerae centuriae quattuor, a commentary on the decisions of the rkg; and. Andreas gaill, practicarvm observationvm, tam ad processvm ivdiciarivm, praesertim imperialis camerae, qvam cavsarvm decisiones pertinentivm, libri dvo, likewise an authoritative commentary on the decisions of the rkg. These collections of previous decisions were quickly grasped by the courts for use as precedents in similar matters.