HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Justinian I, Barthold Georg Niebuhr, Palimpsest

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Sabinians: preserve, more in favor of the emperor, conservative. Gaius (jurist who lived during the classical period) Institutes (c. 160: divided it in three different areas in order to simplify the law of the romans in the classical period, persons (i. e. citizenship, birth, death, marriage, capacity, slaves etc, things (corporeal and incorporeal) (i. e. property, actions. Palimpsest of st. jerome, discovered by barthold niebuhr in verona (1816) Constitutiones (now also called lex and leges) Emperor by appointing a judge it can regulate the rendering of the law, hands on effects on the praetor and the jurist. Ancestor of modern systems of civil procedure. Ulpian: 40% of the digest is ulpian"s work. Was banished from rome and came back to be an advisor. De iure emperor of the west, but not de facto. If agreement did not fit in one of the recognized contractus, the agreement could not be enforced (= pactum)