HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Maastricht Treaty, Jean Domat, Feudalism

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Towards a new ius commune: the end of the cold war and the integration of europe. End of the cold war - acceleration of european integration (1990 unification of. Germany) (2005. rejection of a european constitution = period of accelerated integration) Greater co-operation in the field of foreign policy. 1990s: euro-optimism idea of a unified european law. Bigger constituency for a common private law of europe justice & internal security essence of national sovereignity. European ius commune: common private law for europe ! goal of the process: european civil code to replace the existing, municipal civil codes: the civil law tradition. Unification of european private law & drafting of a common civil code: not an easy matter. Biggest problem: dividing line between the civil law tradition prevailing in continental. Inspired & prompted by the natural law & enlightenment thinkers of 17-18th centuries. Codification of 18th century: didn"t mark a radical break with pre-codification law.