HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Marshall Plan, Bretton Woods System, European Monetary System

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Beside the blood + conflict that marked this period it also showed how states overcome national rivalries and encourage co-operation between countries + people. Security council used + abused their powers of veto to uphold national interest. Several continentals + regional supra-governmental organizations started to emerge in the post-1945 era: aimed at development of economic, social and political integration, most successful took place in europe, european economy community (eec) 1958 -> emerged into european. Community (ec) and finally the european union (eu: was able to transform war-torn western europe into a zone of peace + prosperity with economic integration. Inspired other states -> association of south-east asian nations (asean: echoed achievements of eec by also bringing economic + political cohesion to previously troubled regions. Aim to unifying europe: after 2nd ww more high politics than identity that led west european leaders to consider necessity of integration, relative decline in europe"s influence, colonized people in european empires demanded greater independence.