HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Burslem, A Forest, Newcomen Atmospheric Engine

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How important were regional networks to the development of industrial regions, The period between 1750 to 1850, the period of sustained industrialisation that we know as the industrial revolution, is often treated as a single, unitary, uninterrupted and above all nation-wide phenomenon. However, closer study of this period reveals that industrialisation was not the continuous, nation-wide process that is assumed and that, in reality, industrialisation was concentrated into specific industrial sectors located in specific parts or regions of the country. Indeed, berg argues that industrialisation accentuated the differences between regions by making their industrial sectors more specialised. 1 as hudson points out, this regional specialisation was one of the truly remarkable features of the industrial revolution. There was something unique about the industrial regions of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. They were dominated by particular sectors (principally by various combinations of textiles, coal, engineering and shipbuilding) in a way never experienced before.