HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Codex Theodosianus, Roman Kingdom, Codex Gregorianus

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Bc 565 bc (in east rome) post-classical period. 510/509 bc: mythical ousting of last king tarquinius superbus. Rule by rex (king, had state power imperium), senatus and collegium of high priests. Mos maiorum: customs of the ancestors: fas (<> nefas): rules on the relation between gods and (entire) people. Nefas calls wrath of gods upon the city, punishment of nefas public concern. Ius (<> iniuria): rules on the relation between people of different gentes, later familiae. Imperium shared by two consules, chosen by people"s assembly for one year, later also lower magistrates. Law of the twelve tables (450/449 bc): codification of parts of mos maiorum to prevent the (exclusively patrician) priests from developing the law further at their will. Statute law adopted as plebiscites by comitia and concilium plebs, but played marginal role. Senate resolutions (senatusconsulta) had only advisory status, but were often followed.