HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Herennius Modestinus, Jus Gentium, Fide

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Roman law in antiquity: kingdom (753-509 bc) Mythical foundation of rome 735 bc (romulus) End of the kingdom 510 or 509 bc (mythical ousting of the last king. Rex head of the state, has imperium (military and political state power) Rex was advised the senatus (a council of particians); role of senatus: always present, advised the king (senatus consultum), confirmed appointment of king, confirms decisions by king. Mos maiorum customary law of ancestors. Fas governs relationships between gods and men; nefas taboo, counter to fas, calls for the wrath of the gods on the entire nation (sickness, war, natural disasters) Ius governs relationships between the roman citizens, guarantees peace; Ius talionis the law of retaliation. The judicial system revolved around the king and the collegium (high priests); the court consisted of ordinary citizens. Reforms in judicial system happened due to cooperation of rex, senatus and collegium: republic (509-27 bc)